IBM Books

Event Logging System Messages Guide

Generic Packet Filter (FLT)

This chapter describes Generic Packet Filter (FLT) messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.



Short Syntax: FLT.001 no free mem to create structure_type

Long Syntax: FLT.001 No free memory to create a structure_type

Description: This message is generated when the filtering subsystem cannot allocate the memory to hold a data structure to hold filtering information. This results in a filter not being built.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: FLT.002 cant apply fltr (offset filter_offset), pkt too shrt (ln packet_offset)

Long Syntax: FLT.002 Cannot apply filter (offset filter_offset), to packet of length packet_offset

Description: This message is generated when the maximum offset in a filter is larger than the length of a packet. The filter is not applied to the packet.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: FLT.003 no mem to cache pkt (max cache_entries_allocated)

Long Syntax: FLT.003 No memory to cache packet (maximum cache_entries_allocated)

Description: This message is generated if a filter is attempting to create a cache entry but cannot do so because there is no available memory on the heap. Instead, an existing entry is reused from the filter.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FLT.004 crtng flt, sys system_name

Long Syntax: FLT.004 Creating filter for system system_name

Description: A filter is being created for the router system identified by system_name


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FLT.005 flt che hit, sys system_name

Long Syntax: FLT.005 Filter cache hit, system system_name

Description: A filter produced a cache hit. System_name is the system name of a filter that was previously created.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FLT.006 flt match, sys system_name

Long Syntax: FLT.006 Filter match, system system_name

Description: A filter produced a match, but with no cache hit. System_name is the system name of a filter that was previously created.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FLT.007 flt miss, sys system_name

Long Syntax: FLT.007 Filter miss, system system_name

Description: A filter was applied to a block a data, but not match was found. System_name is the system name of a filter that was previously created.

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